Fund Cards
Fund Cards
Fund Cards
"Whoever practices charity and justice fills the world with loving kindness."
We always welcome gifts to a fund. Many options are available to honor individuals, show appreciation to others for the kindness they may have shown you, celebrate all life cycle occasions and memorialize loved ones. Your support and generosity are always greatly appreciated. See descriptions of the funds below.
We sincerely appreciate your financial support. All financial donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
To make an online donation (minimum $18 each), click here. To make a donation by check (minimum $5 each), click here to print out the donation form.
SANFORD J. ETTINGER MEMORIAL LECTURE FUND: Used to sponsor a guest lecturer for a Shabbat service.
BETTY KLURFELD EDUCATION FUND: Provides funding for educational materials and school needs.
DRS. BRIAN & LAUREL BEAR B'NAI MITZVAH SUPPORT FUND: Helps pay Bar/Bat Mitzvah fees for tutoring for families in need of assistance.
JORDON WERNER MEMORIAL FUND FOR EDUCATIONAL INNOVATION: This Fund will be used to support new technology and other innovations in our educational programs.
YANOW FAMILY FUND FOR TEACHER APPRECIATION AND ENRICHMENT: This Fund will be used to Honor and Educate our teachers. Each year the fund will help pay for a teacher to attend a conference to continue their growth as an educator as well as pay for teacher appreciation events throughout the year.
CANTOR KAREN BERMAN LEGACY ENDOWMENT: These funds will be used for the continuation of Congregation Shalom's cantorial programs.
CONGREGATION SHALOM MUSIC FUND: Used to sponsor various musical programs at Shalom.
WOLF FAMILY CHOIR FUND: Used to enhance the music program at Shalom through support of our choir including purchase of robes, Children’s Choir, patron support, recordings and guest artist musical programming.
ARLENE ARNSTEIN FUND FOR CHILDREN AND FAMILIES IN NEED: Provides funds to meet basic needs and to make it possible for those with limited resources to participate in camp as well as in other programs.
CLAIRE FABRIC FOOD BANK FUND: Provides funds to aid the hungry.
SAM PASCH MEMORIAL SENIOR FUND: Helps to defray the cost of Senior Programming.
SOCIAL ACTION FUNDS: Provides funds to support local, national and international organizations providing aid to the poor, homeless and underprivileged. Also provides for developing community relations.
WOMEN OF SHALOM FUND: Provides support to our Sisterhood and the programs and services it offers.
JERRY & SELMA SHLENSKY GREATEST NEED FUND: Donations to the Greatest Need Fund are used at the discretion of the clergy and Executive Committee to address the temple’s most significant needs at any point in time.
RABBI RONALD AND JUDY SHAPIRO LEGACY FUND: A newly established fund to honor Rabbi Ronald and Judy Shapiro, and they will assist in how these funds will be utilized.
IZ ABRAMS BUILDING FUND: These donations support the upkeep and maintenance of our synagogue building.
GARY KATZ FUND: For special items to enhance the synagogue and the maintenance of the Gary Katz Torah.
RABBI RONALD AND JUDY SHAPIRO MUSEUM OF JUDAICA FUND: Funds the purchase and maintenance of Jewish art and Judaica to enhance our existing collection.
SHALOM PERPETUAL ENDOWMENT FUND: Helps to ensure the future of Shalom by creating a “nest egg” for future needs.
HARRY B. AND MARCELLE GOODMAN MEMORIAL FUND FOR SOCIAL AND CULTURAL PROGRAMMING: Helps underwrite social and cultural programming activities of Congregation Shalom.
DR. HAROLD AND EUNICE BILLER DESIGN AND RENOVATION FUND: Helps support Congregation Shalom's building aesthetics and renovation improvements.
GORENS/LEVEY/WINSTON SHALOM FUTURE GENERATION FUND: Helps ensure the future sustainability of Congregation Shalom.
BENJAMIN GINO SEIGEL EARLY CHILDHOOD FUND: Funds support Shalom’s early childhood programs including Babies, Books and Bagels, “Kid”dush Club and Temple for Toddlers.
HOWARD BRESSLER MEMORIAL CAMPERSHIP: These funds are used to provide scholarships to children so they can attend Jewish camping programs.
SHALOM CAMPERSHIP & ISRAEL FUND: Provides assistance to children to attend Jewish camps.
I. SIDNEY AND ESTHER ROSEN CAMPERSHIP FUND: Helps to send meritorious Shalom religious school students to a Jewish summer camp.
KENNEDY-BARNETT YOUTH EDUCATION SCHOLARSHIP FUND: Provides scholarships for Jewish camps, youth kallot, Israel programs and other educational opportunities.
Sun, February 23 2025
25 Sh'vat 5785